T Guo, D Tsai , C YYang, A A Abed, P Twyford, S I Fried,
J W Morely, G J Suaning, S Dokos, N H Lovell, Mediating retinal ganglion
cell spike rates using high-frequency electrical stimulation, Frontiers in
Neuroscience, 2019(13) Article 413.
C Y Yang, D Tsai, T Guo, S Dokos, G J Suaning, J W Morley, N
H Lovell, Differential electrical responses in retinal ganglion cell
subtypes: effects of synaptic blockade and stimulating electrode location,
Journal of Neural Engineering, 2018(15) 046020.
T Guo, C Y Yang, D Tsai, M Muralidharan, G J Suaning, J W
Morley, S Dokos, N H Lovell, Closed-loop efficient searching of optimal
electrical stimulation parameters for preferential excitation of retinal
ganglion cells, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2018(12) Article 168. [pubmed].
D Tsai, R Yuste, K L Shepard, Statistically reconstructed
multiplexing for very dense, high-channel-count acquisition systems, IEEE
Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems. 2018(12) 13-23, DOI:
D Tsai, D Sawyer, A Bradd, R Yuste, K L Shepard, A very
large-scale microelectrode array for cellular-resolution electrophysiology,
Nature Communications, 2017(8) 1802. [pubmed].
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Survey of
electrically evoked responses in the retina - stimulus preferences and
oscillation among neurons, Scientific Report, 2017(7) 13802 1. [pubmed].
K Jayant, J Hirtz, I J Plante, D Tsai, W De Boer, A
Semonche, D Peterka, J Owen, O Sahin, K Shepard, R Yuste, Targeted
intracellular voltage recordings from dendritic spines using quantum-dot
coated nanopipettes, Nature Nanotechnology, 2017(12)
335-3342. [pubmed]
T Guo, D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, T Kameneva, N H
Lovell, S Dokos, Electrical Activity of ON and OFF Retinal Ganglion Cells: A
Modelling Study, Journal of Neural Engineering, 2016(13) 025005. [pubmed].
J Choi, E Aklimi, C Shi, D Tsai, H Krishnaswamy, K L
Shepard, Matching the power, voltage, and size of biological systems: a
nW-scale, 0.023-mm3 pulsed 33-GHz radio transmitter operating from a
5kT/q-supply voltage, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 2015(62)
1950–1958. [IEEE
T Guo, D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, S Dokos,
Understanding the retina: a review of computational models of the retina from
the single-cell to network level, Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering,
2014(42) 419-436. [pubmed].
P B Matteucci, S C Chen, D Tsai, C W Dodds, S Dokos, J W
Morley, N H Lovell, G J Suaning, Current steering in retinal stimulation via
a quasimonopolar stimulation paradigm, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual
Science, 2013(54) 4307-4320. [pubmed].
D Tsai, S C Chen, D A Protti, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H
Lovell, Responses of retinal ganglion cells to extracellular electrical
stimulation from single cell to population: model-based analysis, PLoS ONE,
2012(7) e53357. [pubmed].
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell,
Frequency–dependent reduction of voltage-gated sodium channels modulates
retinal ganglion cell response rate to electrical stimulation, Journal of
Neural Engineering, 2011(8) 066007, (featured article). [pubmed].
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Direct
Activation and Temporal Response Properties of Rabbit Retinal Ganglion Cells
Following Subretinal Stimulation, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2009(102)
2982–2993 (cover article). [pubmed].
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, A wearable
real–time image processor for a vision prosthesis, Computer Methods and
Programs in Biomedicine, 2009(95) 258–269. [pubmed].
Peer Reviewed Proceedings
T Guo, D Tsai, M Muralidharan, L Li, G Suaning, J W Morley,
S Dokos, N H Lovell, Computational models and tools for developing
sophisticated stimulation strategies for retinal neuroprostheses, Proceedings
of the 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2018 2248-2251
(4 pages).
T Guo, A Barriga-Rivera, G Suaning, D Tsai, S Dokos, J W
Morley, N H. Lovell, Mimicking natural neural encoding through retinal
electrostimulation, Proceedings of the 8th International IEEE EMBS Conference
on Neural Engineering, 2017 284-287 (4 pages).
D Tsai, E John, T Chari, R Yuste, K L Shepard,
High-channel-count, high-density microelectrode array for closed-loop
investigation of neuronal networks, Proceedings of the 37th Annual
International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2015 (4 pages). (Best 10
papers, with JBHI invitation).
C Yang, A Woolley, D Tsai, G J Suaning, J W Morley, N H
Lovell, Calcium imaging of retinal ganglion cell dendritic responses to
extracellular microelectrode stimulation, Proceedings of the 7th
International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2015 (4 pages).
T Guo, N H Lovell, D Tsai, P Twyford, S Fried, J W Morley, G
J Suaning, S Dokos, Optimizing retinal ganglion cell responses to
high-frequency electrical stimulation strategies for preferential neuronal
excitation, Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference on
Neural Engineering, 2015 (4 pages).
S Bai, T Guo, D Tsai, J W Morley, G J, Suaning, N H Lovell,
S Dokos, Influence of retinal ganglion cell morphology on neuronal response
properties: a simulation study, Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE
EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2015 (4 pages).
J Choi, E Aklimi, J Roseman, D Tsai, H Krishnaswamy, K L
Shepard, Matching the power density and potentials of biological systems: a
3.1-nW, 130-mV, 0.023-mm3 pulsed 33-GHz radio transmitter in 32-nm SOI CMOS,
Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2014.
T Guo, N H Lovell, D Tsai, P. Twyford, S. Fried, J W Morley,
G J Suaning, S Dokos, Selective activation of ON and OFF retinal ganglion
cells to high-frequency electrical stimulation: A computational modeling
study, Proceedings of the 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
EMBS, 2014 (4 pages). (Student paper competition Asia-Pacific
T Guo, D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, S Dokos,
Cell-specific modeling of retinal ganglion cell electrical activity,
Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS,
2013 accepted (4 pages) (Student paper competition
T Guo, D Tsai, S. Sovilj, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H
Lovell, S Dokos, Influence of active dendrites on firing patterns in a
retinal ganglion cell model, Proceedings of the 35th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2013 accepted (4 pages).
T Guo, D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, S Dokos,
Influence of cell morphology in a computational model of ON and OFF retinal
ganglion cells, Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Conference of
the IEEE EMBS, 2013 accepted (4 pages).
T Guo, D Tsai, N H Lovell, S Dokos, Modeling Normal and
Rebound excitation in Mammalian Retinal Ganglion Cells, Proceedings of the
34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2012 (4 pages).
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Responses of
starburst amacrine cells to prosthetic stimulation of the retina, Proceedings
of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2011 (4 pages).
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Sodium channel
inactivation reduces retinal ganglion cell responsiveness to repetitive
prosthetic stimulation, The 5th international IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural
Engineering, 2011 (4 pages).
G J Suaning, S Kisban, S C Chen, P J Byrnes-Preston, C Dodds, D
Tsai, P Matteucci, S Herwik, J W Morley, N H Lovell, O Paul, T
Stieglitz, P Ruther, Discrete cortical responses from multi-site
supra-choroidal electrical stimulation in the feline retina, Proceedings of
the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Buenos Aires, 2010
(4 pages).
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Direct
Activation of Retinal Ganglion Cells with Subretinal Stimulation, Proceedings
of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2009 (4 pages).
- R Huq, D Tsai, K L Shepard, An ultrathin flexible CMOS
neural microelectrode array, Neuroscience 2019, Chicago IL, USA, 2019
- T Guo, D Tsai, M N Shivdasani, T Wu, S Dokos, N H Lovell,
Preferentially stimulating retinal ganglion cells using clinically-relevant
electrode size and stimulation duration, Proceedings of the 41st Annual
International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2019 (1 page, accepted).
- M Muralidharan, T Guo, M N Shivdasani, D Tsai, S Dokos, J W
Morley, N H Lovell, Quantitatively controlling functionally-distinct retinal
ganglion cells using electrical stimulation, Proceedings of the 41st Annual
International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, 2019 (1 page, accepted).
D Tsai, A Bradd, R. Yuste, K L Shepard, Large-scale
microelectrode array for closed-loop cellular-resolution electrophysiology
of the retina, Neuroscience 2017, Washington DC, USA, 2017.
D Tsai, K Shepard, CMOS Neuroprobes, Materials Research
Society (MRS) Spring Meeting 2017, Phoenix Arizona, Apr. 2017.
J W Morley, C-Y Yang, D Tsai, T Guo, G Suaning, S Dokos, N H
Lovell, High Frequency Electrical Stimulation: the Effect of Spatial Location
on Retinal Ganglion Cell Responses In Vitro, Neuroscience 2016, San Diego CA,
USA, 2016.
K Jayant, J J Hirtz, I J-L Plante, D T Tsai, W D Boer, A
Semonche, D Peterka, J S Owen, O Sahin, K L Shepard, R Yuste, Direct
electrical recordings from dendritic spines using nano-pipettes, Neuroscience
2015, Chicago IL, USA, 2015.
D Tsai, E John, R Yuste, K L Shepard, Advancing the
state-of-the-art in electrophysiology: pushing the limits on amplifier
density, IEEE EMBS BRAIN Grand Challenges Conference, Washington DC, USA,
T Guo, D Tsai, G J Suaning, N H Lovell S Dokos, Influence of
dendritic structure on retinal ganglion cell firing pattern: a modeling
study, NeuroEng 2013: 6th Australian Workshop on Computational Neuroscience,
Melbourne, Australia (NeuroEng student prize).
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Temporal
response profiles of amacrine cells following electrical stimulation of the
retina, Neuroscience 2011, Washington DC, USA, 2011.
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Activation of
voltage-gated ion channels in rabbit retinal ganglion cells following
electrical stimulation of the retina, Australian Neuroscience Society Meeting
2011, Auckland New Zealand, 2011.
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Inactivation of
sodium current modulates retinal ganglion cell response rate during high
frequency stimulation, Neuroscience 2010, San Diego USA, 2010.
V Tatarinoff, D Tsai, How Deep is deep Enough? Australian
and New Zealand Laboratory Animal Association Conference, 2010 (Best
presentation award).
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Retinal
ganglion cell responses following subretinal electrical stimulation in the
isolated rabbit retina, Neuroscience 2009, Chicago USA, 2009.
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Stimulation
method for maintaining the responsiveness of electrically excitable cells to
repeated electrical stimulation. US Patent Office. Patent No. 9,669,213 B2.
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Stimulation
method for maintaining the responsiveness of electrically excitable cells to
repeated electrical stimulation. Australian Patent Office. Patent No.
D Tsai, J W Morley, G J Suaning, N H Lovell, Stimulation
method for maintaining the responsiveness of electrically excitable cells to
repeated electrical stimulation. European Patent Office. Pub No:
K Shepard, D Tsai, H Kang, J Thimot, Flexible complementary
metal-oxide-semiconductor probes for chronic, large-scale neural stimulation
and recording, US Patent Office, Pub No: WO/2017/035530.
D Tsai, Jonathan Terry, K Shepard, Fully implanted,
wireless, flexible CMOS surface recording device for the brain, US Patent
Office, Provisional Application.
D Tsai, K Shepard, Systems and methods for dense,
high-channel-count, multichannel data acquisition, US Patent Office,
Provisional Application.